About Us

A church is part of God’s family where men, women, boys, and girls can be nurtured in their spiritual journey in a local church family.

If you live in the Seeley Lake area, or are passing this way, come be our guest for worship. The doors are open. The family is waiting. Come celebrate hope and life in Jesus Christ with us.


What We Believe

Doctrinally we believe that eternal salvation and the forgiveness of sin, as well as a meaningful life of joy and hope, are only found through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the unique Son of God who died for mankind’s sin, bodily rose from the grave, ascended to the Father, and will one day return to earth to receive His followers unto Himself. Until He comes again, His church (all true believers), are to live for Him by living lives of humility, integrity, service and kindness toward all.

A church is part of God’s family where men, women, boys, and girls can be nurtured in their spiritual journey in a local church family.

Our Mission

These three simple statements fueled the first century church to turn the world upside down. As we apply them to our lives and church, God will make things happen for His Kingdom and His Glory.

Loving God

A relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ is the greatest need in every person’s life. It is a matter of eternal life or eternal death, so the church must foster an atmosphere that is conducive to developing this relationship. This is done by preaching and teaching the Word of God accurately, so that people know God through His Word, understand salvation is received God’s way and that a person desires to become a disciple of God and of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Loving Others

God created us to be relational people and therefore the church must love people the way God loves them; unconditionally. We must love the lost and seek to communicate the truth of the gospel with them in love and acceptance. We love others by teaching them the truth of God through His word, therefore we will take loving action when a brother or sister in Christ wanders from the path of God. We seek their restoration to God.

Serving All

God has given each person a gift or gifts to use in the body of Christ. Christ knits His church together and together we serve God, other members, our local community, and our world by using these gifts to glorify God through Jesus Christ.

Join Us Sunday Morning

Bible Study  Sunday 9:45 AM

Worship Service  Sunday 11:00 AM

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