Sermons & Teaching

The Altar and the Priesthood — 13 August 2023

August 14, 2023

The Tabernacle Altar was a centerpiece of the courtyard, it was the place of sacrifice for atonement. But the priests had a role that had to be considered. We as believers have business to take care of at the Altar. We have choices in how we will live.

Preacher — Pastor Jon

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Hebrews 11 Bible Study — 13 August 2023

August 14, 2023

Text is Hebrews 11:23-29, BY FAITH is the continuing theme. The challenge is we can get comfortable and complacent while God wants us to move forward. The Dead Sea was an obstacle, but God made the path through it. How does that story stretch our faith so that like Moses we can stand still till it is time to move on?

Teacher –Jack Greenwood

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Come to the Altar Part 3 — 06 August 2023

August 10, 2023

The study of the Tabernacle Altar continues. A Malachi 1:6-14 focus is the theme. Don’t give God your second and third best at the alter of sacrifice.

Preacher — Pastor Jon

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Hebrews 11 Continues 06 August 2023

August 10, 2023

Hebrews 11 Is the theme: To Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and beyond!
Now on to Moses. A lot to discuss here as we consider who and what Moses did.

Teacher — Jack Greenwood

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Come to the Altar pt 2 –30 July 2023

July 30, 2023

We continue our look at the Altar. The Altar is a place for sacrifice in place of judgment, but fire serves more than only judgment. Fire also acts to purify and refine. So it is in our lives as we allow God to do His work, He allows hardship to shape us and purify us into who He wants for us to be.

Preacher — Pastor Jon

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Hebrews Study — 30 July 2023

July 30, 2023

Hebrews 11:13-19 Abraham offers Issac to God. You can’t read this in Hebrews without reviewing Genesis 22:1-13. God provided Himself an offering.

Teacher — Jack Greenwood

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Hebrews 11 Continues — 23-July 2023

July 25, 2023

Hebrews 11, BY FAITH, is the theme.
Here we pick up with the life of Abraham and Sarah. Obedience by faith and the move to Canna is an unknown journey that ended where God wanted.
Hebrews 11:8-19 is the core text for the day.

Teacher — Jack Greenwood

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Come to the Alter — 23 July 2023

July 25, 2023

As we peer through the gate/curtain into the Tabernacle court, the first thing that should grab our attention is the Alter. IT is huge, 7 1/2 feet by 7 1/2 feet by 4 1/2 foot tall. it dominates physically. But it is as well the reminder that there is sacrifice for sin that needs to be made. In the OT the sacrifices were daily and ongoing. But Hebrews tells us that Jesus was the once for all Sacrifice for our sins. What do we do as response to that?

Preacher — Pastor Jon

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Jesus The Prophet 16 July 2023

July 22, 2023

Jesus as Prophet, Priest and King is an important principle for our daily living. How do we trust Christ if we don’t know who He is? If He is only a good man and teacher as an example we will miss the point. But if His works and words prove He is the greatest of prophets then the reality of that can change our lives as it did for those in the Gospel narratives.

Guest Preacher –Mike Grisanti

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